February 19th 2019
Dear Fellow Star-Gazers,
Happy 0 degrees Virgo, Super- Full Moon!
There are many key dates between now and the next Full Moon at 0 Libra on March 21st (also an Equinox). Traders might wish to note February 19th, 23rd, 26th and 27th as being particularly action-packed as well as March 5th, 6th, 8th, 14th and 15th. (Fuller explanations below)
Not all degrees of the zodiac are equal with the first degree of any sign having added power. With Virgo accented, emphasis is on organization and efficiency. Anticipate many people being wound up (and overly emotional) when it becomes clear that systems are not functioning as they had assumed. Data managers and systems analysts should anticipate being super-busy.
Note too that just before today’s Full Moon, Chiron (the planetoid orbiting between Saturn and Uranus) crosses the World Axis to begin its journey through Aries. Its last visit to this sign was 1968-1977. This planetoid has a justified reputation as a wounded –healer, maverick and problem-solver. Imagine Tarzan (Aries) with a wounded leg (Chiron). How best to swing from one tree to another? How best to maintain adventure, move forward but allow healing too? This calls for an innovative approach and acceptance that whilst nothing is ‘perfect’, solutions will still have to be found.
Chiron’s arrival at this point in the zodiac could yield interesting political activity at the next Full Moon. True, that’s already started in the UK. There is likely far more to come: if history repeats, then we should also anticipate more street protests – especially between now and the next Full Moon: a key date here is Saturday, March 16th.
By that date Uranus will have made its final Taurus ingress (from the Earth-perspective this entry into Taurus took place in May 2018 and repeats again in March). Uranus last visited this area of the zodiac in the 1930s. As has been documented elsewhere, Uranus is associated with political movements and Taurus, a Fixed sign, with dogma. It will likely not be hard for charismatic leaders to rise – not necessarily in a healthy way for any populace - although to start with, new political movements might seem to be exactly what’s needed.
Traders would be well advised to note the dates listed at the start of this letter. Each should see greater volume than usual. The first date listed is this Full Moon (Feb 19th) and may be of particular significance for both oil and pharmaceutical companies. March 6th could have equal significance both for these sectors and for the banking industry.
Please note that not only is March 6th, Uranus’ Taurus ingress, but that same day, there is both a New Moon and key aspect between Jupiter and Pluto: these events occurring just as Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces. The net effect suggests a wild ride on global stock markets. A possibility is that the S&P will reach 2820 by March 6th but then stall or turn downward.
As I explained at a recent lecture, Jupiter and Pluto (the wealth cycle) form a conjunction every decade. Research reveals that between the present phase and the new cycle beginning (April 2020), there has been a major global financial crisis. The most recent was in 2007, prior to that, the Mexican Peso crisis dominated 1994, whilst the early 1980s brought recession. Going back one more cycle, to March 1968, we find a ‘gold rush’ prompted by economic uncertainty.
It is unlikely that a similar ‘gold rush’ will occur for some months (but yes, I do feel that this is coming). True, there could be a slight spike in the gold index on Friday Feb 22nd and, more likely, from March 23rd. Longer-term, I would not be at all surprised if there was a major financial incident in 2019 linked to decisions taken around March 6th and which have major effect in September.
Mercury stations close to 16 Pisces: a degree that has held importance since late August 2018. I don’t think that we can rule out a ‘sea incident’ or a major storm (tsunami) or even an oil spill. The possibilities are many, but any or all could have serious impact on trading. Certainly traders may be left ultra-confused as to what is going on and how best to hedge their positions………….
All of which leads us to present day uncertainty! Analysis of the heliocentric positions for the Trump administration indicates stress at the Last Quarter Moon on February 26th, and again in late May and October. The February date is interesting in that this is part of a cycle that can be traced back to November 26th, 2016. On that date President Trump was deliberating his choice for a US Commerce Secretary, an HHS Secretary and a Secretary of State. Not only might there be another personnel shake-up in the administration, but it may be that a major step is taken in the so-called Trade War strategy.
On this side of the pond things are likely to be as hectic and as potentially bruising. The key dates are February 23rd, 26th and March 5th and 6th.
Mercury conjoins with the Sun on March 15th – a potentially significant date for soft commodities - and reaches its direct station on March 29th: yes, the date set for Brexit. With the Moon occulting Saturn that day, a soft or prolonged Brexit seems likely (with full Brexit in September).
As always we shall see.
I spent this weekend recovering from jet-lag following my recent visit to the South Florida Astrological Association (SFAA). Recordings of that event will shortly be available through their website. It was a wonderful few days made special by so many people. This was my 7th visit to my SFAA family, an annual visit that I cherish.
Focus now is on the NCGR conference in Baltimore in late August and the now annual event in Toronto in October.
As always, reminding you that the most important investments are in friends and family and cautioning that if you are investing, then be prepared for a messy few weeks!
With all good wishes
Yours from the stars
2019 Webinar recording is available for GBP40. Email office@cityscopes.com to order
The Beginner’s Guide to Financial Astrology (February 2017) is now available through Amazon as is ‘Exploring the Financial Universe’ (October 2016)