January 21st 2019
Dear Fellow Star-Gazers,
Happy New Year, Happy Super-Full Moon and Happy Lunar Eclipse - but perhaps not quite so happy 90th anniversary of the 1929 stock market crash.
In case you’re wondering if there will be a repeat – that’s unlikely though there are dates later in the year when turmoil should see indices fall (presenting buying opportunities).
But back to the present: this eclipse is special as the Moon reaches its closest point to earth for many months – and yes, that could coincide with earth upheaval, volcanic activity or tsunami or both.
This eclipse is at 0 degrees of Fixed sign, Leo. Next month’s Full Moon will be at 0 Virgo and the one after – which coincides with the Equinox is at 0 Libra: the world axis. A series of full moons at the start of signs is unusual and has, together with Uranus at right angles to the lunar nodes, been a major factor in so many people taking up apparently highly emotional yet intransigent positions. By the solstice, Chiron, the planetoid orbiting between Saturn and Uranus will have made Aries ingress – adding to the present turmoil. It’s reasonable to anticipate dramatic activity over the next few months with many people determining that they’ve been travelling toward a dead-end and that it’s time to change direction.
Yes, perhaps you don’t need to be an astrologer to assess this. It might help though to know that the cosmic weather will change sooner rather than later and that by the New Moon in early April we will surely be dealing with different issues altogether.
You may or may not know that there are charts for countries: usually based on a legal document. These charts last until war, change of boundaries or unification of countries replace them. It’s not abnormal for there to be dispute as to the actual timing of a document but there are times when this is pre-ordered, as with a treaty due to start at a specific time.
This is the case of the UK, whose chart for midnight, Westminster on 1st January 1801 may be thought of as that of UK PLC. If you know anything about astrology at all, then you’ll know that this chart has been pummelled by Pluto in recent years. The break-up of the union has seemed imminent on many occasions. The Scots held an independence referendum some years ago. I stated in one of these letters at the time that a replay was cosmically inevitable. As of this lunar eclipse, which is exact on the Jupiter of this 1801 chart , that eventuality now seems likely to happen sooner rather than later. Obviously there’s much, much more to this story. For now, let’s just note that we should expect prime Minister May’s statement at the eclipse to be eclipsed and for a new direction to emerge – most probably through legal (Jupiter) challenge.
Not that this eclipse affects only the UK: across the pond in the USA, anticipate legal struggles of a different kind – but of no less consequence. Constitutional crisis is as likely there.
Traders could choose to look the other way and yes, it is possible that markets will, after a small dip, move higher before cresting mid February.
It has been observed that when any of the slower moving bodies (Chiron included) change signs that this coincides with market turbulence. With Chiron crossing the World Axis (0 Aries) just a few days before the February Full Moon, there is potential for one of the high points of 2019 to be reached mid-February. It would not be at all surprising if there were to be a change of market direction on Monday 18th February.
It is said that there is ‘nothing new under the Sun’ and certainly cycles do seem to repeat. That being the case, I have been fixated on the arrival of emerging currency exchange (cryptos) and their establishment in global trading from 2020. There are now thousands of block-change trading systems either in use or in development. What they have in common is dependence on energy to exist at all. Just one solar flare affecting these systems would surely play havoc with these trades. It is for this reason that I am so keen on everyone having a small holding in precious metals or jewels: items that can be traded if all else fails.
GOLD I am still of the opinion that gold will reach a high in the first quarter of 2020. Before then - and to be considered ahead of Mars’ arrival in Taurus on February 14th, you might consider emeralds. True, there are many grades of thee with fluctuating prices to match. Precious jewels though are worthy of investment consideration. I would also look at silver where there may be attractive prices from the New Moon on February 4th.
I will be looking at this in some depth in my presentations in Ft Lauderdale, Florida on February 9th and 10th (more details at www.southfloridaastrology.com). I understand that that event will be recorded.
Whilst in Florida I will also be going through a final (I hope!) edit of the new book, to be launched later this year. Navigating the Financial Universe is a very different book to the last two and, I hope, a solid and practical guide to negotiating the probably stormy financial waves of 2019 – 2030.
The recording of my astro-forecast for 2019 is still available – with the accompanying power-point and can be purchased through the website www.financialuniverse.co.uk.
As some of you know, 2018 was not the easiest of years. Jupiter though finally arrived in Sagittarius and my husband’s health has thankfully improved. I am now ‘back on the research case’ and hope, maybe, to have something to say about the property cycle and real estate investment before long.
For now,
Once again wishing you all a healthy, happy and successful 2019
Yours from the stars
2019 Webinar recording is available for GBP40. Email office@cityscopes.com to order
The Beginner’s Guide to Financial Astrology (February 2017) is now available through Amazon as is ‘Exploring the Financial Universe’ (October 2016)